How to Subscribe

Ready to get started?

Just go to the menu bar and click on Highland Pro > Subscribe to Unlock

Clicking on Activate Highland is taking your first step into a larger world.

Clicking on Activate Highland is taking your first step into a larger world.

You’ll be asked to choose what kind of subscription you’d like to sign up for.


For comparison:

After picking your plan, you’ll head over to onboarding!


If this is all new to you, we’ll walk you through the basics. For those of you who started in Highland or Highland 2, you’ll get an overview of new features (and a look at some refinements from our last version).

FAQ - Subscription Issues

Why a subscription?

We’re a small team, and it’s challenging to both support an existing app while building a new, major paid update every 2+ years.

With Highland Pro as a subscription, we can bring writers new tools and updates as soon as they’re ready.

Highland Pro’s incremental updates will allow us to more quickly respond to writers’ needs while also avoiding the pull of adding flashy, but ultimately unhelpful, features used to market expensive paid updates.

Your copy of Highland Pro will always be the best, most refined version of Highland.

And that goes for whatever platform you’re using it on: One subscription covers Mac, iPad, and iPhone.

Student Licenses