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Getting Read-Only Mode when you install Highland Pro on a new device? Click Restore Purchases.
Do I need to subscribe separately for each device?
No! Highland Pro is a universal subscription. You can unlock the subscription on any device, and you will be able to download it to your iPhone, iPad, and Mac as needed.
Why didn’t my purchase unlock the app for my other devices?
You may need to tap or click Restore Purchases when prompted on another device to get Highland Pro to recognize you’ve already unlocked the app elsewhere.
Where do I find the Restore Purchases link?
Check the bottom row of text in the Subscription window.
What’s Read-Only Mode?
Highland Pro will show a message in the toolbar saying you are in Read-Only Mode if your free trial period expires.
In Read-Only Mode, you cannot edit the document in Highland Pro. You can export your document in any of the file formats we support, and you can also copy and paste text out of the document.
Even if your subscription lapses, Highland Pro won’t lock you out of your work. You’ll still be able to see and share any of your saved documents.
How do I cancel a subscription?
Subscriptions work like any other App Store purchase. Apple offers detailed instructions here.
Please remember that if you’re going to cancel the subscription before the end of your 30-day free trial, you’ll need to unsubscribe at least 24 hours before the end of the trial period.
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